The aim of the Department is to carry out cutting-edge experimental and theoretical research on the fundamental properties of quantum systems of light, and the coupling of light with matter. The Department consists of 12 researchers and 2 academic technicians, in addition to undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral researchers.
The lines of research cultivated in the department lead to an important thematic variety that covers areas such as quantum and semiclassical mechanics, optics, structure of matter, radiation-matter interaction, statistical physics and physics of information, among others.
The researchers responsible for the four research laboratories of the Department continuously interact with the theoretical researchers of the Department; three of these laboratories participate in the National Laboratory of Quantum Matter and Quantum Information of CONACYT, which is the headquarters of the Institute of Physics.
The Department's researchers are actively involved in high-level human resource training tasks in various UNAM postgraduate courses, including the Postgraduate Course in Physical Sciences (PCF), the Postgraduate Course in Materials Science and Engineering (PCeIM) and the Postgraduate Course in Biomedical Sciences (PCB). They also teach courses at the undergraduate level in the Faculty of Sciences, mainly and in the postgraduate courses already mentioned.