The objective of the Department is to carry out frontier research, experimental and theoretical, on topics of soft condensed matter, solid state and chemical physics. The Department is formed by 13 researchers, one of them emeritus, and 3 academic technicians, who are integrated in 5 experimental and 6 theoretical groups. All the researchers of the Department belong to the National System of Researchers.
The lines of research that are developed in the Department give rise to an important thematic variety that encompasses the study of matter at the nano, meso and macroscopic scale, associated with frontier issues in physics, such as supramolecular self-assembly and its consequences on visco-elastic behavior in fluids; heat transfer in plasmonic systems; optical activity of metallic nano-particles with organic chiral ligands; plasmonics and physical and chemical phenomena on surfaces; bimetallic nano-clusters and influence of the substrate on the properties of supported metallic clusters; tribology; band structure of composite materials based on cholesteric elastomers and metallic nano-inclusions; physics of colloids; opto-electronic transport in materials modified with graphite; anisotropic superconductors; among others.
The research laboratories are run by 5 experimental groups and 1 theoretical group and they are in the Marcos Moshinsky building, on the ground and first floors.
The department's researchers are actively involved in high-level human resource training tasks in various UNAM postgraduate courses, such as the Postgraduate Course in Physical Sciences (PCF), the Postgraduate Course in Materials Science and Engineering (PCeIM) and the Postgraduate Course in Biomedical Sciences (PCB). They also teach courses at the undergraduate level in the Faculty of Sciences, mainly, and in the postgraduate courses already mentioned.