The Department of Theoretical Physics carries out research into physical phenomena, ranging from the most fundamental to the applied ones, as well as teaching and disseminating this knowledge in the following areas: elementary particles, field theory, astroparticles and cosmology; classical and quantum collective phenomena; atomic, nuclear and molecular physics; quantum mechanics and mathematical physics, and the relationship between them.
The department is composed of 21 professors. Additionally, there are postdoctoral researchers and associated students, both graduate and undergraduate.
We have participation or association with experiments in national and foreign laboratories and we promote projects of national impact. Our department participates in and organizes local seminars and national and international conferences, and in activities for the promotion and dissemination of science.
Professors at the Department of Theoretical Physics contribute in both research and training of human resources in a wide variety of topics, such as Molecular calculations, electronic structure, superintegrability, angular momentum theory, classical and quantum collective phenomena, boson and confined fermion systems, superconductivity, superfluidity, nanostructures, complex systems, transport phenomena, Anderson's location, foundations of quantum theory, dynamics and entanglement, decoherence, time operator and the quantization of general relativity, non-Hermitian aspects, and degeneration of eigenstates, flavor physics, neutrinos, hadronic physics, precision observables, supersymmetry, string theory, dark matter models and other extensions of the standard model, astroparticle physics and accelerator physics, two-dimensional field theories, dark matter and energy, gravity model tests, and galaxy surveys.