The Complex Systems Department develops frontier research mainly in statistical physics and modern applications, non-linear dynamics, low dimensional systems and complex molecular structures. The research we carry out ranges from theoretical studies in fundamental physics to interdisciplinary applications.
Since its creation in 1990, the Complex Systems Department has had as its main objective the development of frontier research in the area of complexity in a broad sense, including issues of statistical physics, non-linear dynamics, quantum physics and complex molecular structures.
Currently, the Department is integrated by 13 researchers and 1 academic technician. The research carried out covers a wide variety of topics, both theoretical and applied. We work on lines of research focused on interdisciplinary problems for which we develop mathematical and computational models or data analysis. The members of the department participate in numerous national and international collaborations.
The Department actively participates in the training of human resources through the supervision of theses at Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels and its members regularly teach courses related to the lines of research they cultivate. We have received many postdocs and guest professors over the years and participate in the organization of academic events.