Cecilia Noguez

Professor of Physics

Instituto de Fisica

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Apartado Postal 20-364

Mexico DF 01000, MEXICO

Phone: (++52 55) 5622 5106

Secretary: (++52 55) 5622 5010

Fax: (++52 55) 5616 1535


Computer codes


DDA polyhedral targets

Here, you can find our computer programs to generate different targets to be employed in DDSCAT 6.0. The Discrete Dipole Approximation for Scattering and Absorption of Light by Irregular Particles DDSCAT, is a Fortran code for calculating scattering and absorption of light by irregular particles, has been jointly developed by Bruce T. Draine (Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University) and Piotr J. Flatau (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD).

The web page of DDSCAT is http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~draine/DDSCAT.6.0.html


Once you generate a file with the coordinates of the point dipoles, you have to employ the format code to create a file needed by DDSCAT. Then, you have to choose an effective radius R to give as a parameter in DDSCAT. The volume of the target is equal to the volume of a sphere with such effective radius. For example, if you want a cube with a size of a=20 nm, then, (4pi/3)R^3 = a^3.


The ouput file shape.dat, which is generated from the following programs, can be read directly from DDSCAT.


Regular Decahedron

Marks decahedron

Rounded decahedron

Star decahedron


Truncated cubes

Hexagonal prism

Octagonal or tetrahedral prism

Pentagonal prism



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