Fisica Medica


Response of the new MD-V2-55 radiochromic film exposed to 60Co gamma-rays
G Massillon-JL and L Zúñiga-Meneses,
Phys Med Biol, 2010, 55, 5437-5449

Parametrization of X-ray spectra appropriate for microCT scanners
Moya UE, Brandan ME, Martínez-Dávalos A, Ruiz-Trejo C and Rodríguez-Villafuerte M,
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 613(1) (2010) 152-155.

Phantom study to evaluate contrast-medium-enhanced digital subtraction mammography with a full-field indirect-detection system
Palma BA, Rosado-Méndez I, Villaseñor Y, and Brandan ME,
Med. Phys. 37(2) (2010) 577-589.

A small animal PET system based on LYSO crystal arrays, PS-PMTs and PCI DAQ board
Alva-Sánchez H., Murrieta T., Moreno-Barbosa E., Brandan M.E., Ruiz-Trejo C., Martínez-Dávalos A., and Rodríguez-Villafuerte M.,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 57(1) (2010) 85-92.

Characteristics of a new polymer gel for high-dose gradient dosimetry using a micro optical CT scanner
G Massillon-JL, R Minniti, C G Soares, M J Maryanski and S Robertson,
Appl. Radiat Isotopes. 68 (2010) 144-154

Prototipo de microtomógrafo por emisión de positrones. Resolución espacial y estudios metabólicos.
Alva-Sánchez H, Murrieta T, Ruiz-Trejo C, Brandan ME, Martínez-Dávalos A y Rodríguez-Villafuerte M
Rev Mex Fis 56(2) 175-182

Vigilancia de incorporaciones de 131I y estimación de dosis efectiva comprometida en el personal de un servicio de medicina nuclear
Rodríguez-Laguna A, Estrada-Lobato E, Brandan ME y Medina LA
Rev Fis Med 11(1) 43-54

Lys3-bombesin conjugated to 99mTc-labelled gold nanoparticles for in vivo gastrin eleasing peptide-receptor imaging.
Mendoza-Sánchez N ... L.A. Medina y cols.
Journal of Biomedical Technology 6(4):375-384

Small photon beam measurements using radiochromic film and Monte Carlo simulations in a water phantom
O. A. García-Garduño, J. M. Lárraga-Gutiérrez, M. Rodríguez-Villafuerte, A. Martínez-Dávalos, M. A. Celis,
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 96-2 250-253 (2010)