Experimental Physics

The Department of Theoretical Physics carries out research into physical phenomena, ranging from the most fundamental to the applied ones, as well as teaching and disseminating this knowledge in the following areas: elementary particles, field theory, astroparticles and cosmology; classical and quantum collective phenomena; atomic, nuclear and molecular physics; quantum mechanics and mathematical physics, and the relationship between them.

Head of the Department

Dr Hermes León Vargas

Head of the Department
Experimental Physics

56225000 ext 2605

The 30 academics of the DFE of the Institute of Physics are organized into 5 research groups.

  • The GROUP OF PHENOMENA IN MICROSTRUCTURED SYSTEMS, FESMI (13 academics) uses and develops non-destructive techniques based on irradiation and ion implantation of the Pelletron accelerator for the analysis and nano-structuring of solid materials. FESMI has developed portable characterization systems used in the National Laboratory of Sciences for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (LANCIC).

  • The DOSIMETRY AND MEDICAL PHYSICS GROUP, DOSIFICAME (4 academics), investigate the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter and dosimetry with interest on basic knowledge and applications relevant in medicine. DOSIFICAME was at the origin of the UNAM Master's degree in Medical Physics and its current members actively participate in the program. Our research is closely associated with thesis direction in the undergraduate Physics and Biomedical Physics programs at UNAM's School of Sciences and the graduate Physics and Medical Physics programs at PCF-UNAM, among others. We collaborate with the National Institute of Cancer (INCan) and other public and private health institutions, as well as with other research groups.

  • The LABORATORY OF BIOMEDICAL IMAGES, LIB (4 academics) conducts research in radiation physics applied to biology and medicine, and participates in teaching activities, training of human resources and science dissemination.

  • The GROUP OF ASTROPARTICLES AND HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS, HAWC (4 academics) studies the non-thermal universe by detecting cosmic rays and gamma energies of TeVs.
    Instrumentation is being developed to detect high-energy ionizing radiation and its possible application to other areas of astrophysics. HAWC participates in the operation and development of new gamma ray observatories.

  • The NUCLEAR AND SUB-NUCLEAR PHYSICS GROUP, FINSU (3 academics) conducts research in nuclear, particle and astroparticle physics, and develops original instrumentation for basic frontier research (antimatter, dark matter, etc.) and their applications.