About Us

Commissions and Collegiates

Dra. Lena Ruiz Azuara Facultad de Química, UNAM
Dr. Jorge Gustavo Hirsch Ganievich Institute of Nuclear Sciences, UNAM
Academic Staff
Dra. Martha Rosete Aguilar Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas y Tecnología, UNAM
Dr. Pedro Eduardo Miramontes Vidal Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Technical or Internal Board
Dr. Luis Mochán Backal Institute of Physical Sciences, UNAM
Dr. Juan Carlos Alonso Huitrón Institute for Materials Research

Members of the CI Title
Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte Director and President of the CI
Dr. Saúl Noé Ramos Sánchez Academic Secretary and Secretary of the CI
Dra. Myriam Mondragón Ceballos Head of the Theoretical Physics Department
Dr. Genaro Toledo Sanchez Theoretical Physics Department Representative
Theoretical Physics Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Francisco Javier Sevilla Pérez Head of the Complex Systems Department
Dr. Octavio Miramontes Vidal Complex Systems Department Representative
Complex Systems Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Luis Fernando Magaña Solís Head of the Solid-State Department
Dr. Jorge Gerardo Vázquez Fonseca Solid State Department Representative
Solid State Department Representative Alternate
Dra. Alejandra López Suárez Head of the Nuclear Physics and Radiation Applications Department
Dr. Roberto Gleason Villagrán Nuclear Physics and Radiation Applications Department Representative
Fís. Juan Carlos Pineda Santamaría Nuclear Physics and Radiation Applications Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Carlos Francisco Pineda Zorrilla Head of the Quantum Physics and Photonics Department
Dr. Santiago Francisco Caballero Benítez Quantum Physics and Photonics Department Representative
Dra. Karen Volke Sepúlveda Quantum Physics and Photonics Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Juan Adrián Reyes Cervantes Head of the Chemical Physics Department Chemical
Dr. Raúl Esquivel Sirvent Chemical Physics Department Representative
Dra. Gabriela Díaz Guerrero Chemical Physics Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Arturo Rodríguez Gómez Head of the Condensate Matter Department
Ing. Cristina Zorrilla Cangas Condensate Matter Department Representative
Condensate Matter Department Representative Alternate
Dr. Hermes León Vargas Head of the Experimental Physics Department Experimental
Dr. Ernesto Belmont Moreno Experimental Physics Department Representative
Dr. Alejandro Crespo Sosa Experimental Physics Department Representative Alternate
Ing. Samuel Tehuacanero Núñez Technicians Representative
M. en I. Jorge Cruz Morales Technicians Representative Alternate Faculty
CI Guests Allowed to speak but not to vote
Lic. Neptalí González Gómez Computing and Telecommunications Technical Secretary
Dra. Andrea Valdés Hernández Coordinadora Docente
Dr. Rubén Alfaro Molina Faculty Representative before the CTIC
Dr. Genaro Toledo Sánchez CAACFMI Representative
Dra. Guerda Massillon University Council Representative


    20 de enero 2025Link

    Name Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte Director and President
    María Eugenia Nieto Gómez Member with operational functions in the Direction
    Dra. Penélope Rodríguez Zamora Researchers Representative
    M. en I. Maira Gloria Pérez Vielma Technicians Representative
    Brian Zamora Martínez Associate Students Representative
    Cindy Mariella Castellón Salguero Alternate Associate Students Representative
    Martha Gabriela Tinoco González Representative of Unionized Administrative Employees and Workers
    M. en A. Alejandro Herrera González Representative of Administrative Employees in positions of trust

    Name Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte LSC Coordinator
    M. en I. Hesiquio Vargas Hernández LSC Secretary
    M. en C. César Gustavo Ruiz Trejo Radiation Safety
    Mtro. Raymundo Rodríguez Salgado Technical Committee Representative
    L.I. Neptalí González Gómez Technical Committee
    Ing. Quím. Samuel Tehuacanero Núñez Technical Committee
    C. José Luis Fuentes Ubaldo Cuerpo Técnico
    Arq. Lilian Itzel Delgado Morales Technical Committee
    Dr. Carlos Raul Magaña Zavala Technical Committee
    Fís. Edilberto Hernández Juárez Technical Committee
    Lic. Israel Torres Rueda Technical Committee
    Dr. Francisco Javier Sevilla Pérez Technical Committee
    C. Verónica Fuentes Romero Technical Committee
    M. en C Tirso Murrieta Rodríguez Technical Committee
    Dr. Luciano Antonio Gómez Cortés Vocal
    C. María Guadalupe Figueroa Nava Vocal
    Fís. Roberto Hernández Reyes Vocal
    C. Gerardo Meza Salazar Vocal
    C. Juan Gabriel Candia Velazquillo Vocal
    Pendiente Student Representative

    Name Institution
    Dra. Telma Gloria Castro Romero Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change
    Dr. Miguel Ángel Bañuelos Saucedo Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology
    Dr. Augusto García Valenzuela Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology
    Dr. Omar Gustavo Miranda Romagnoli CINVESTAV
    Dra. María Emilia Caballero Acosta Institute of Mathematics

    Name Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte Director and President of the Committee
    Dr. Saúl Noé Ramos Sánchez Academic Secretary Faculty Coordinator
    Dra. Andrea Valdés Hernández Academic Secretary Faculty Coordinator
    Secretary of the Committee and Representative of the Director in the Physical Sciences Graduate Department
    Dra. Margarita Rivera Hernandez Representative of the Director in the Material Sciences and Engineering Graduate Department
    Dr Gerardo Jorge Vázquez Fonseca Representative of the IF in the Physics Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences
    Dra. María Guadalupe Rodríguez Ceja Representative of the IF in the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences
    Dr. Héctor Alva Sánchez Representative of the IF in the Biomedical Physics Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences
    Dr Oscar Genaro De Lucio Morales Representative of tutors in the academic committee in the Material Sciences and Engineering Graduate Department
    Dr. Luis Armando Acosta Sánchez Representative of tutors in the academic committee in the Physical Sciences Graduate Department

    CAEI and CAETA Commissions


    The Office of the Director of the Institute of Physics has created two advisory commissions entrusted with improving the efficiency and quality of communications regarding the matters which are brought before the Internal Board (CI) for review.

    These commissions are:

    • CAEI: The file review commission for researchers
      • Dra. Myriam Mondragón Ceballos
      • Dr. Fernando Magaña Solis
      • Dr. Juan Adrián Reyes
    • CAETA: The file review commission for technicians
      • Dra. Alejandra López Suárez
      • Dr. Hermes León Vargas
      • Lic. Neptalí González Gómez

    For more information please see article 11 of the IFUNAM regulations.

    The University Council Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodriguez Villafuerte Chairperson Councilor (Ex officio)
    Dra. Guerda Massillon Faculty Representative Councilor Faculty Representative
    Dra. Mariana Vargas Magaña Faculty Representative Councilor Faculty Alternate Representative
    Scientific Research Technical Council (CTIC) Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodriguez Villafuerte Chairperson Councilor (Ex officio)
    Dr. Rubén Alfaro Molina CTIC Faculty Representative Councilor
    Dr. Oscar Genaro de Lucio Morales vacant CTIC Faculty Alternate Representative
    Academic Board of the Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Areas (CAAFMI) Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodriguez Villafuerte Chairperson Councilor (Ex officio)
    Dr. Saúl Noé Ramos Sánchez Representative of the Director before the Board
    Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte Faculty Representative Board member
    Dr. Genaro Toledo Sánchez Faculty Alternate Board member
    Physical Sciences Graduate Department Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodriguez Villafuerte Chairperson of the Board
    Dra. Andrea Valdés Hernández Representative of the Director before the Board
    Dra. María Ester Brandan Siqués Representative of Advisors before the Board
    Material Sciences and Engineering Graduate Department Title
    Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez Villafuerte Chairperson of the Board
    Dra. Margarita Rivera Hernandez Representative of the Director before the Board
    Dr. Óscar Genaro De Lucio Morales Representative of Advisors before the Board
    Academic Committees of Undergraduate Programs Title
    Dr. Gerardo Jorge Vázquez Fonseca Representative of the IF in the Physics Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences
    Dra. María Guadalupe Rodríguez Ceja Representative of the IF in the Earth Sciences Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences
    Dr. Héctor Alva Sánchez Representative of the IF in the Biomedical Physics Undergraduate Department of the Faculty of Sciences